Pop-Up Nature! – Invasive Species

Pop-Up Nature! – Invasive Species

Date(s) - August 1, 2019
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Hoyt Arboretum
4000 SW Fairview Blvd
Portland, OR 97221


Bring your family and drop by the Visitor Center, where a volunteer naturalist will present a pop-up nature presentation with hands on activities on a variety of different sciences topics for youth to explore and learn more about the Arboretum. Pop-Up Nature! themes address essential and fascinating aspects of plant life, like why do trees turn color in the fall, forest birds of the Arboretum, conifer tree ID and how do seeds get dispersed? You might go on a pollinator scavenger hunt, observe leaves and different specimens under a microscope.

These events are free to all and run rain or shine. These events run every Thursday, starting 7/11 through the end of August 2019. Check the Events calendar or sign up for the Hoyt Arboretum e-newsletter to stay updated on upcoming dates and themes.

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