Pittock Mansion is a 1.5 mile walk from the Hoyt Arboretum Visitor Center: through the Arboretum, across the Barbara Walker Crossing footbridge, and along the Wildwood Trail. Though the trail gains around 300 feet in elevation between Barbara Walker Crossing and Pittock, the views from the top and the verdant forest along the trail are certainly worth the uphill climb.
Pick up a Barbara Walker Crossing map at the Visitor Center to see a map of the recommended route to Pittock Mansion, as well as possible variants.
The Recommended Route
Cross the street (Fairview Blvd)
Turn right onto the Fir Trail by the Stevens Pavilion, and then head left on the Spruce Trail.
Continue along Spruce, until you reach the Wildwood Trail, then turn left.
Remain on the Wildwood Trail the rest of the way to Pittock Mansion.
Stops Along the Way
Make sure to pause along the way to admire some classic Hoyt Arboretum stops and features like:
The Redwood Deck
The hollowed log just past the bridge over Johnson Creek
Follow the Blue Diamonds
After this point, there will be no more arboretum trail markers, but you can check that you’re going the right way by looking for trail signs and the blue diamonds painted on tree trunks every quarter mile.
Once you cross, head uphill through the forest. A few switchbacks later, you’ll cross a quiet road, and continue uphill on the trail for just a bit longer, before emerging in the Pittock Mansion’s parking lot. Just beyond the parking lot, you can enjoy the mansion itself, views of Portland and Mt. Hood, and at this time of year, many flowers in bloom.
Coming Back
You can return to the Visitor Center along the same route, or take a different route to explore another part of the Arboretum on your way back. There are three recommended options:
Continue on the Wildwood Trail, and then take the Oak Trail to visit the deciduous section of the Arboretum and enjoy the elm and oak collections.
Turn right onto the Creek Trail, then follow the Redwood and Fir Trails, to walk along the creek and pass the larch, bamboo, and fir collections.
Take a connector trail to the White Pine Trail then return along the Fir Trail, to see the white pine and fir collections.
Any of these variants makes for a round trip of about 3 miles.
A Day Well Spent!
Once you complete your journey, be sure to tell us how it went and what you saw! The Visitor Center is open every day from 10am to 4pm (we have cold drinks for sale too!).
Happy trails, friends!
About the Author
Chloe is a high school student volunteering at the arboretum for her senior project. She has helped with stewardship crews, shadowed field trips, helped at the visitor center, gone trail roving, and more. Her favorite trail in the arboretum is the White Pine trail because she once saw an owl there.